Monday, November 27, 2023

Signs of Spiritual Attack In Your House

Signs of Spiritual Attack In Your House

Why Cleanse Your House from Evil from Cursed Objects

Deliverance Ministry article

Be Aware of Cursed Objects Home Cleansing – Status, Idols, Animal Images, etc. Especially From Foreign Countries - after removal, do a Spiritual House Cleansing Prayer.

Do you wonder why the attacks. According to Proverbs 26:2, "... A curse causeless cannot come..." So, there is a cause and effect. 

Sometimes, we bring things into the home and are unaware of their origins. Children and teenagers get stuff into your house. Adults who go to garage sales inherit old furniture or things given to them from friends or family that bring relics and idols from other countries dedicated to a foreign god. Below are demonic symptoms from cursed objects.

Cursed Objects are a sure way to demonic attack in your home!

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” (Exodus 20:3-5).

Tell me a story about my experience with Cursed Objects from Mexico.

My Story of a Cursed Object:

My parents lived in Mexico, and they bought me a straw mask.  I had a feeling it was a cursed object and brought it home.  I tried to burn it at home by putting it on my grill.  It would not burn, and the grill blew up.  I ended up having to cut the straw mask up.

Cursed Objects Open Door to Demonic Attack

Many objects and idols around the world are dedicated to false gods.  When you have a cursed object in your home, it gives the demonic world to come into your home.

The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing” (Deuteronomy 7:25-26).

Fact: If you have a cursed object, you become cursed by God!

Solution: Remove all cursed objects from your being and your home; destroy them by breaking, burning, or throwing them in the trash can.  Sometimes, when burning an object, you see green flames – that is a demon. Don't give them to someone else. Make sure the cursed item is destroyed so that no one else can get the cursed object. 

God warned in several other scriptures: 2 Kings 23:24Deuteronomy 13:17Joshua 6:18Joshua 7:1. These warnings were for good reason. He did not want his people to experience the unpleasant consequences associated with those objects.

The Effects of Cursed Objects: These statutes or idols are cursed objects open doors to demonic attack in the following ways:

  • Caused strife in the family - husband and wife arguments
  • Some told me they heard voices or sounds in their houses.
  • Another thing cursed objects do is make you have nightmares and not be able to wake up
  • Doors, cabinets, and drawers opening and closing
  • Items disappearing and reappearing
  • Objects moving by themselves
  • Unexplained shadows
  • Animals behave strangely
  • Feelings of being watched
  • Feelings of being touched
  • Cold or hot spot
  • Continual bad dreams and nightmares
  • Demonic spirits associated with disease
  • Unable to get medically healthy, unexplained ongoing illness or bondage, nausea, headaches, etc.
  • behavioral problems with children,
  • Lack of peace
  • Financial problems
  • Seeing "ghosts" or demonic apparitions is an experience particularly common to children
  • Insomnia, or sleeping too much
  • poltergeist (movements of physical objects made by demons)
  • Foul, unexplainable odors,
  • Atmospheric heaviness and oppression, 
  • Continued bondage to sin,
  • TVs, radios, and computers that turn on or off by themselves,
  • Pictures or vases falling,
  • Lights coming on and off, and 
  • Sounds of people moving or screaming in the night and more.

Consequences of Cursed Objects in the House: 

  1. When we disobey God’s Law, there is a curse.
  2. When we disobey God’s Law, we give a place (legal right to work). “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27).
  3. An open door is an opening where evil spirits may work. “He loveth transgression that loveth strife: and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction” (Proverbs 17:19).
A person can ask forgiveness from the Lord by repenting, renouncing, and removing the objects in the house.

Words of Wisdom about Cursed Objects, Idols, Etc.:

We must be watchful not to bring that which belongs to the ENEMY into our homes. There is a CURSE upon it. It may cause defeat in our lives even though we are Believers.

Cursed Items List:

  1. Signs of the zodiac.
  2. The crucifix with Jesus remaining on it
  3. Statues of Mary and Child used in worship.
  4. Statues of other “saints” used in worship.
  5. Voodoo dolls or anything used in casting spells.
  6. The star of David within a circle (six points) is a cult image.
  7. The Crescent and Star.
  8. The five-pointed star (pentagram) turned upside down (used in Satan worship).
  9. The horn of the unicorn, swastika, yin yang.
  10. Emblems of various lodges (those who take oaths with a curse).
  11. Evil books (witchcraft, false religions, false Bibles, lucid sex books, parapsychology, new age, mind control, human philosophies, etc.)
  12. Stuffed (unclean animals such as frogs, owls, snakes, …) animals.
  13. Any statue, carving, or picture used as an object of worship.
  14. Anything used in fortune telling (playing cards, crystal balls, witching sticks, Ouija boards).
  15. Books on or by the cults (Book of Mormons by Joseph Smith, New World Bible Translation, books by Mary Baker Eddy, books by Ron Hubbard)
  16. Rock and Rap music. (also see:
  17. The peace sign of the upside-down cross with the limbs broken.
  18. Much of what is now on TV is ungodly in nature. More and more shows are about the ungodly supernatural (magic and witchcraft) and also glorify divorce and remarriage or premarital relations.
  19. Tarah Cards
  20. Games like Ouigy Board
  21. Certain video games are demonic in nature

When cursed objects are in your home, it can cause marriage issues, children issues, etc.  It is time to do deliverance from witchcraft prayer on objects.

Once you remove the cursed items from your home, then cleanse your home so that the demonic spirits are removed. 

See more cursed objects list:

Christian House Cleansing Prayer

After you've removed cursed objects from your home. You will want to do a Christian house cleansing prayer from evil. First, remove the demonic attacks and legal rights. Next is the land cleanse prayer and digital downloadable book PDF - no shipping address is needed. 

Purge your home from cursed objects

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