Thursday, February 03, 2022

what is biofeedback therapy

What is Biofeedback Therapy / Biblical View of Biofeedback

Spiritual danger's of new-age medicine

What is Biofeedback Therapy - the spiritual danger of biofeedback

Biofeedback -- A technique in which brain waves are monitored to bring normally unconscious, involuntary bodily functions under conscious, voluntary control. Biofeedback can lead to altered states of consciousness and mystical experiences.

Biofeedback procedure takes you to a trance state of the Hindu Yogis, observing how they were able to mentally control internal bodily functions during altered states of consciousness. Then the equipment was built to monitor physiological behavior and display it visibly on meters and light response devices.

Is biofeedback dangerous

The biofeedback technique is used to induce altered states of consciousness. God's way is not to empty our minds but to fill our minds with the Word of God. Satan's way is to get you to empty your mind.

That is why Biofeedback is dangerous.

Dr. Green of the Menninger Foundation had conducted his research for developing Biofeedback under Occult circumstances, and this is the real origin of Biofeedback! He was learning the techniques of Hindu yogis who knew how to put themselves into deep trances during Meditation.

what is biofeedback used for

It is used to treat stress, chronic pain, etc.

The church needs to remember that God is our healer and gives us peace when we give our issues to Him. When we go to another pathway to peace outside of God, then a person is practicing occultism.

Religious Counterfeit

Biofeedback is a religious counterfeit. A Christian can become dependent on new age modalities for peace instead of God which in the long run will cause your spiritual life to be affected.

The reason behind the strong stand is clear: the programs are based on New Age concepts which are founded upon the Eastern philosophical view that mankind is divine and thus the master of his fate.

New Age Medicine

The problem, according to the New Age Movement, is that mankind is ignorant of this "truth" and needs to undergo a philosophical transformation concerning his view of God and the world.

In reality, they are a form of indoctrination that promotes the New Age view which is in direct contrast to the basic beliefs of orthodox Christianity.

Therefore, all Christians must become informed about the New Age Movement so they can identify its presence in the workplace as well as in the schools and in the media.

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Breaking Satanic Dedications


Counselor's note:
Take every person through this prayer, regardless. Everyone may not be ready to go through this prayer in the first few visits. With ritual abuse survivors, it would be wise to first build a relationship with the person. Ritual survivors usually have been betrayed by every person they ever trusted and you are no different from the rest. It will take time for them to trust you, little by little. They are also feeling a tremendous amount of shame and guilt for what they have done so go very slow and let them lead. Follow the Holy Spirit's guidance. With ritual abuse survivors, you need to get the support of as many internal alters as possible before taking the host or any part through this prayer. You can explain to the internal system why it is necessary to go through this prayer if you have a relationship with the system. If not, have the host go inside and explain this to the internal system. The host can ask the helper parts to protect the little ones or take them to a safe place. Then they can take steps to ensure the safety of the internal system and the child alters.

You may have to bind any spirits that can cause flashbacks of the rituals. One indication of a problem is when they start to pray, flashbacks start. It should be noted that a flashback can be caused by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and can occur in abuse, trauma, and war survivors. This can also be from an altar that is afraid or from an evil spirit. Take time to investigate what is happening. Read the book listed on MPD.

It is important to know what is causing the problem so you can stop it. You want to stop it but not do any damage in the process. You will need to pray for discernment.
You may have to do some spiritual warfare and pray the "Rule of the Victor" prayer before proceeding. Details about the" Rule of the Victor" prayers are found in notes to Prayer No. 9.

Join Our Thrive Group Mentorship for Women - In a mentoring ministry, mentors help other women in the faith journey. They also equip younger women with the essentials to live godly lives. Never be alone.



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Note, spiritual warfare or binding spirits does not always have to be done out loud. It is effective if done very low or even spoken internally. If the person does not have a problem with binding spirits and spiritual warfare, then by all means do it aloud and have them agree. Most ritual survivors are multiples, (people who have Multiple Personality Disorder). The term Multiple Personality Disorder has been changed to Dissociative Identity Disorder and maybe a better term to use with the counselee.

Those with Multiple Personality Disorder or ritual abuse survivors require special care. Caution is always the way to go in all these cases. An alter personality is a split in the mind and NOT a DEMON. If you don't know the difference between an alter and a demon, then check with someone who has experience with multiplicity and dissociation. If you continue trying to cast an alter out of a multiple, much damage can result and healing is hindered for some time. Their trust will also be damaged. The message to them is that the Church doesn't understand or care. Also, if you know the person is a ritual abuse survivor and you are not sure exactly what to do, then consult with someone experienced in that area. Most non-ritualized survivors of sexual abuse usually do not have a problem with this prayer. Satanic dedications can happen to anyone with or without their knowledge, often as a baby or young child. Most people do not know what took place in their lives as very young children. Someone in the family or relatives may have said evil or occult prayers over him/her when they were babies.

Often, cults are part of the family heritage and have gone on for generations - generational curses. The family does not see any problem with "passing on the heritage." However, this sets the child up for demonic attack and entanglement later in life. Someone may have made a financial agreement in exchange for some of the baby's blood or dedicated the baby to a false god or Satan. There may have been a dedication before the child was born. Some are cultural rituals as with the American Indians, Pennsylvania Dutch "pow-wow" healers, Spanish Santeria cults, etc. They pray or make dedications to demonic spirit powers.

There are many initiation rites and ceremonies in secret societies that bring curses on people. It is believed that initiation into Mormonism has pacts and vows that can hold a person in bondage and open them to demonic attacks. These need to be renounced and repentance made. Some believe they are actually making a dedication to the Lord God, Yahweh, but they are deceived.

Some parents will take their children to psychic or occult healers when doctors fail them. These methods of healing are satanic and call upon demonic powers for healing. Satan never gives anything away. He will take off physical sickness and give them mental torment. This often does not show up until some time later.

Children make a blood pack or cut themselves in play, becoming "blood brothers or sisters," copying what they have seen on TV. These activities can have a lasting damaging effect on the participants and their descendants. You can tell the counselee that it is best to be safe and pray this prayer, just in case someone has prayed over them without their knowledge. They don't want to leave any unknown doorways open through which Satan can attack. Explain that only one part of this prayer may apply to them, but we don't know which is the part for them, so have them pray the entire prayer.

Blood pacts, vows, and oaths renounced and broken. These activities place curses on the participants and open them to torment by evil spirits. Many times, this is done "just for fun" or "it really didn't mean anything." Satan takes a different view of coming to his kingdom for help and will use it as an opportunity to gain evil control over a person. The Lord GOD, Yahweh, also takes a different view of taking part in these activities, see Exodus 20:3-4 and Deuteronomy 18:9-13.
Counselors can have the person pray, renounce and cancel the effects of these curses and dedications. This process is crucial for freedom. After the person has prayed, have them command all spirits that came in with the curses, pacts, or dedications to leave in Jesus' name. Afterward, the person can submit all those areas of themselves to God for cleansing by the Blood of Jesus. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill all places where the spirits were.

By Traci Morin

How Do Curses Work?

How Do Curses Work?

Breaking Generational Curses

Curses from Satan always involve demon spirits. When a curse is placed, demons are sent to a specific person or family. The curse is a sending mechanism, and the spirits bring about the fulfillment of the curse.

He does not have a legal right unless there is an open door. Prov. 26:2 says, "King James Bible
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come."

Same with JOb,  Job continually. In Job 1:5, Job was consumed with fear: He was afraid his children were going to curse God. He was afraid he was going to lose everything as a result.

As we discover in subsequent verses, Job's fear caused God's hedge of protection around him to be lifted. God did not lift the hedge; Job's fear did. His fear became a magnet that attracted the very thing he dreaded the most.

This principle goes all the way back to Job: "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me" (Job 3:25).

There are several sources of curses, for example:

Where do curses come from? 

  • sins of the forefathers, generational curses
  • dedication to Satan,
  • Taking communion with bitterness in your heart - 

     (1 Corinthians 11:23-26), he exhorts:

    27 Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. 30 For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep. 31 But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will not be condemned along with the world.

    This warning to take God’s judgment seriously was prompted by the reality of the Corinthian’s self-exaltation, which was manifested by sinful living, pride, divisions, self-satisfaction, and contempt for others 

  • bowing down to idols, 

    • Exodus 20:3–6. You shall have no other gods before me. ...
    • 1 John 5:21. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ...
    • Psalm 115:4–8. Their idols are silver and gold, ...
    • Romans 1:21–23. ...
    • Jonah 2:8–9. ...
    • Habakkuk 2:18. ...
    • Galatians 4:8–9. ...
    • Isaiah 44:9–20.
  • bringing cursed objects into a home, Deut. 7:26 - Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it; but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it, for it is a cursed thing.
  • giving honor to demon gods, false religion - 1 Cor 10:20 - But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
  • Participation in occultism or New Age,
  • touching Satan's territory, 
  • Sin opens the door for curses*
  • Fear - he did not give us a spirit of fear like I said about job
  • Not honoring parents - if evil different - but you can honor them that they gave you life. 
Jesus said: “If you want to enter life, keep the commandments… Honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 19:17,19). He also said in Matthew 15:4, “For God commanded, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 'Whoever reviles his father or mother must surely die.”
*A curse can be invoked by disobedience to God's principles, commands, and statutes, i.e., rebellion towards God and/or involvement in idolatry or the occult."

Freemasonry curses involve many of these facets.

Curses also come with words or oaths.  Curses are the observable out-workings of evil, negative patterns, in people's lives; in other words, the opposite of the blessings of God (Deut. 28).

As a curse is undone, all the demonic spirits associated with the curse need to be commanded to leave. 

Symptoms of a Curse

Learn the effects of curses and signs of a curse on you!

Curses bring:

barrenness - not able to have children,
sickness - 80% of disease is caused by a curse
poverty - financial difficulties - never able to get ahead
oppression and family breakdown - children on drugs, divorce, separation, etc.
accident-prone, and
many more examples

A person's life, for example, may have a history of disappointment and tragedy.  Marriages may be under constant strain.  There may be a recurrence of accidents and illnesses.  Cherished goals may not materialize, and the haunting sense of failure may be evident.  We may struggle continually against an unidentifiable "something" that brings endless frustration or something blocking us. No matter how hard we try, do you feel like we hit a wall?  The cause is often a curse working.

A "legitimate" curse is when a person deliberately gives themselves to Satan and the power of darkness.  Legal rights are handed over.  Satan is empowered to act, and the curse takes effect.  It can only be broken when that handing over is revoked, and the covenant with Satan is expressly renounced.

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An "illegitimate" curse is when a person pronounces evil upon another person without their knowledge or consent.  The same thing can then apply.

Curses have to be broken in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazareth, our Curse Destroyer.

Christians need to know that our inheritance of freedom is not automatic.  It has to be appropriated.  Only then can we be released into the fullness of our blessing in Christ. 

Freemasonry curses of death and destruction can affect you and your family:

  • emotionally
  • mentally
  • spiritually
  • psychologically
  • physically
  • in career and employment
  • financially
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