Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Victim Spirit - add to web

Are You Stuck as a Victim Spirit

What is a victim spirit? 

A victim spirit pairs with self-pity to say poor me.... all the time! It loves to refer to past incidents 20, 30, or more years ago to anyone who listens. It feels stuck, like there is nothing it can do to change its circumstances or as if its past defines its future! It makes a person believe the lie that they cannot choose anything better for their lives. It often manipulates instead of making decisions for change... working with a spirit of manipulation and frequently tied in with a Jezebel spirit.

The demon creates the spirit to keep them stuck and miss out on what God has for them. 

Once a preditor's spirit connects with a victim's spirit, it brings damage to the person.

The demonic will try to convince the person there is nothing they can do about it and sometimes think they deserve it or it is their fault. Living with a victim's spirit is optional. A person does not need to live like that.  We are called to walk in dominion.

We are to have dominion and multiply and be fruitful. Dominion is life-giving.  Dominion is the opposite of victimization. We are called to be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) to build up and not tear down a person. 

Dominion vs. survival

Some people have been victimized so much that they live life avoiding potholes. To obtain freedom from victimization requires us to appropriate God's power. God is interested in releasing power to the Children of God.

Ephesians 4:28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

The pattern of sin reopens doors.

Dominion is the opposite of preditor-induced victimization. The predator sucks the life out of the victim. The highest level is dominion and equipping for your birthright.

It can be the mindset of a person. The mindset is an open door to demons because of their thinking pattern.

The most flagrant indicator is the mindset, without demons, that will explain why it is suitable for things to happen. Why is it right for them to stay in that situation where they are constantly victimized - battered wives. A spirit of denial. They stay out of their love for him. They believe they deserved the beating. Victims avoid facing the truth.

Sibling beating up a younger sibling. Parents may say it is a form of love that the sibling is hitting you. The child has self-control issues, and the parent does not know how to deal with it. The parent has a victim mindset. The parent explains why it is correct when things go wrong.

Some will stay in an abusive job situation, saying things like I am waiting to show the Love of Christ to my boss. They will explain why it is the right thing to go wrong.

There are predators in religious circles. Some victims will stay under an abusive spiritual leader because they have been taught submission to abuse is godly and that God is building character in them.

Victims of molestation. May have been taught that intrusive visitations (violation) are reasonable because they make them more loved and appreciated by their tormentor.

The second common problem is always expecting the worst. They project things to go wrong in their future. Dread. You have to bring this type of person to the knowledge of the father of lies. Because of broken victimization, things in the past do not mean they will happen in the future. The pattern can change. It is the fruit of a great deal of pain.

You have to come out of the mindset that it will not always be like this and will never ask for what they should have.

Like not getting repairs done when it needs to be done. Will justify why the landlord will not get them done.

Demons encourage victim thinking. After deliverance, they must walk out the truth even when it does not feel right. This brings progressive healing to the mind by renewing the mind with God's Word of truth. A victim spirit is a self-pity spirit - the super glue that holds you to the hell of your past. 

The victim spirit rarely operates alone. Its job is to attract other demons to routinely assault the victim from the outside or to attach themselves to the victim for continual harassment.

Predator Spirit

This demon is the primary partner of the victim's spirit. It thrives on inflicting physical and emotional pain on others for the pleasure of the predator.

The victim spirit is skilled at leading their captive to the predatory spouse, boss, repairman, coach, or neighbor. With a victim spirit is a poverty spirit. 

The Poverty Spirit

This demon works primarily with a person's mindset to keep them from possessing their birthright - the person feels like a victim because of a poverty spirit.

A person cannot accept and keep from themselves the good things that come to them. Example: inherit money and give it away. There could be a self-hatred spirit attached - self-rejection of self. 

Uncomfortable surpassing their peers. If their moral standards are higher than those of their spiritual leaders, they will go to great lengths to keep their walk private or explain why they are not holier. or downplay professional and academic excellence, quickly informing others why their achievements aren't all they appear to be. False humility.

They are unwilling to pay a price to achieve. the pain of making a change, taking a risk, or facing the unknown is deemed reason enough for downsizing their expectations. They would rather endure endless pain of financial, emotional, academic, spiritual, or relational poverty than face the increased short-term pain required to obtain long-term blessings.

They are satisfied with less than God's best for them. This facet of the poverty spirit functions quite freely amid abundance. What looks like contentment can be a poverty demon in disguise.


Jealousy Spirit

Spirit of Jealousy - http://www.dieakker.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Burk_SpiritOfJealousy.pdf

The Welfare Spirit

A welfare spirit opposed to the dominion mandate. God called us to be life-givers and rebuilders to the world around us regardless of whose fault anything is. Someone who wants to be free of their victim spirit must vigorously resist the deceptive mindset and the demonic power of the welfare spirit.

Curses on Time

Some it is financially devouring at the same time every year. It could be illness or hold a job for a limited time.


Most of these demons are generational. In the family tree, you see a pattern that keeps going up the generations - like a reinfection.

If a person dies before 50, there is a curse on time. Check reproductive difficulties.

How were their finances? Did it matter if they were rich or poor? Repeat on promotion as being denied, partners robbing the business, or endless litigations?

How about social skills. Did people get married, stay out of jail, and have reasonable functional children? were they morally proper?

How was their spiritual walk? Was there a pattern of hyper spirituality pursuit of aberrant religious experiences, or a systematic hardness to spiritual things?

Victim Mentality Examples in the Bible

Saul the King

Saul had every opportunity to be a huge success as the first king of Israel. He was anointed by Israel’s most anointed prophet, Samuel. He was mentored in decision-making by Samuel. He was taller than everyone else. He came from a prestigious family. He was a tremendous warrior and general as Israel never lost a battle under his leadership (until his last battle).

But the Bible records that all of his life Saul was negatively influenced by a spirit. You will remember that David, prior to killing Goliath, would play his harp to calm down the spirit that affected Saul. I believe this spirit was the victim spirit. It showed itself several times, including early on in Saul’s reign as seen in this story.


1 Samuel 13: 7

HOw to Overcome Victim Spirit

First, repent of living as a victim. Jesus, forgive me for blaming others, for being selfish and self-centred in my life, through my actions and words. 

Second, renounce this lifestyle. Jesus I do not want to live as a victim. I do not want to function as a slave of Satan, listening to his demonic spirits for how I live my life. I command this victim spirit to leave my life. I choose to let the Holy Spirit lead and guide me. I choose to be led by the Spirit of Christ in how I behave and speak.

Third, I forgive. I forgive my parents/siblings who modelled a victim spirit. I forgive my spouse/roommates/friends who enforced that I was a victim by their words and actions towards me. I forgive myself for being deceived and not understanding until now that I entered into an agreement with this victim spirit. Father God, forgive me for blaming you for my choices and circumstances.

Lastly, I make a choice. I choose to live my life as a child of the most high God. I am seated in heavenly places with Christ. I am not the tail but the head. I have the mind of Jesus. I align my will to the will of God. I am an overcomer! Amen.

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