Monday, February 20, 2006

Bastard's curse

What is a Bastard's Curse?

It is when a child is conceived when the parents are not married. It puts a curse on a child - rejection and never fitting in, the spirit of lust, the spirit of fear, etc. 

Deut. 23:2: "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord."

In ministry, we have found the Bastard's Curse present when a person is conceived or born out of wedlock. Somehow, children are curious about their parents' wedding dates and correspondence to their birthdays. Other times, it is apparent that there was never a marriage. Spirits of rejection, abandonment, and fear come into the child in the womb under these circumstances.

There is a difference between conceiving a child out of covenant and one out of lust.

The child, when conceived out of lust, knows whether or not they were a wanted baby. There is usually shame and guilt associated with their parents' behavior. Not only that, but secrets.

What comes in when a child is born out of wedlock is a generatons of evil spirits that have been plaguing families trying to love in all the wrong places.

The problem is that a child will grow up addicted to the need to be loved.

If this is true in your life, forgiving your mother and father for their sin and how it has affected you is important. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are now a son or daughter of God, and you are not a bastard. Proclaim your position in Christ, in His name, and in His power and authority, cast out the spirits of rejection, fear, and abandonment. Ask the Holy Spirit to heal your heart in this area and give you the blessing of a father; in this case, the Heavenly Father. If you are the parent of a child born or conceived out of wedlock, ask their forgiveness and then give them your blessing. Tell your son or daughter that you are proud that they are yours, and break the bastard's curse in the name of Jesus.

If your child is young, teach them the ways of the Lord to fight that generational curse in their life. The spirit of the Lord will release you and cleanse you and your family and begin to bring blessings.

There is always hope when there is repentance and confession from the parant and child.

By Traci Morin
Touch of God Healing Ministries (a healing and deliverance ministry located in Dallas, Texas – why don’t you join us at Set Free Bible Study to start your journey of healing?)

Keywords: bastard's curse, breaking curses, out of wedlock, setting captives free, breaking bastard's curse

What are Inner Vows

What are Inner Vows is like Bitterness and Judgment

Below is a prayer to break inner vows

Inner vows are like declaration or promises we make about ourselves. Inner vows will come to pass. 

Inner vows represent us choosing our will over God’s and need to be revoked before we can experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Satan will make sure the words you spoke over yourself will come to pass. Inner vows that they happen. 

Have you ever said: "I will never let a man (or woman) ever hurt me again?" Or "I will never put myself in that position again." "I can't trust anybody." "Nobody can do it right but me." "I will never be like my mother (or father).""I will never be like that." "I will never share what I really feel, it is not safe." Many men say this about their mothers, which then transfers to their wives. "Men (women) never do it right." "Don't share," etc. Proverbs teaches us that as we think in our hearts, so we become (Proverbs 23:7a). If we make these "vows," or statements, 

Many of these vows were said as children, yet they affect our adult lives. If you have ever made such statements, it is time to go before the Lord and repent and break the power of the curse on your life.
The following is a list of typical inner vows:

· I don't matter.
· I'm not good enough.
· What's the use in trying. I'll never be good enough.
· I'm an outcast.
· No matter what I do, they're going to violate my boundaries.
· I'm not allowed to have boundaries. Also the expectation that I wouldn't have any boundaries, they wouldn't be honored.
· I'll just suck it up and go on.

· I'll just pretend it doesn't hurt and go on.
· No body will believe me.
· No one will hear my heart, or listen to me, or validate me, or acknowledge me.
· Emotions don't matter.
· Feelings should not be expressed.
· It is not OK to play or be playful.
· It's my fault.
· I'm worthless.
· I'd better be perfect or they won't like me.
· Everyone gets what he or she wants; I never get what I want. When is it going to be my turn?
· I'm defective.
· What's wrong with me.

· I don't have time for emotions.
· I can't access my emotions.
· I won't access my emotions because it is too painful and not safe.
· Emotions can't be trusted.
· Keep peace at any price.
· I have no control over it. (my circumstances)
· It's OK to hurt me because I deserve it.
· No one is going to hurt me again/twice.
· I'll never be hurt by a man/woman again.
· I'm not going to give anyone another chance.

· I'm suppose to save this marriage.
· I've got to be king.
· I'm just a door mat.
· I'm a victim.
· I have to be good.
· I'd better look good.
· I don't want to respond to the emotional needs of others.
· I'm not able to respond to the emotional needs of others.
· I don't want boundaries ; they are a fence.

· I'm depressed.
· It's just so hard (self pity).
· Men don't cry.
· Men don't hug.
· Men have to be tough.
· Men have to be strong.
· I am unclean.
· Time heals all wounds.

· Nothing is true, everything is permissible. (Situation Ethics)
· You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
· I have to take care of everything and I don't have time to take care of myself.
· It's just not for me.
· I'm not going to have my turn.
· People always take advantage of me.
· I'm a bad seed.
· I have bad blood.
· I've always done it this way.
· This is the way it's always been.

· I'm not going to be like my (mother/father).
· You always hurt the one you love.
· I'm not going to change.
· I can't change.
· I've always been like this.
· If you trust anyone, they'll hurt you.
· If you remember, you will die.
· If you remember, your family will die.
· You can never tolerate the truth, it is too painful.
· If you hug anyone, they'll end up hurting you really bad.
· If you love anyone, they'll crush your heart, or they'll be killed.
· There's no God.

· If anyone says they love you, they're not to be trusted.
· God does not love. He hates and uses people and so does your dad. · Children are to be seen and not heard.
· We're dumb and stupid. We'll never amount to anything.
· Women are not good.
· Women are only to be used.
· Women are weak.

Inner vows must be revoked

Breaking Inner Vows

  • Ask yourself, “Have I made any inner vows?” What were they? Write down your inner vow list. Ask the Lord to help you. 
  • Examine who was involved in the life that led you to make an inner vow, directly and indirectly:
  • Sometimes we make inner vows because of hurts like broken promises, betrayals, etc. Make a list of people who hurt you and if you made any vows. Then, take the time to forgive them.
  • Repent for making the inner vow and not trusting God in the situation. Say this prayer! “Lord, I now recognize that I have made an inner vow that reveals a lack of trust in your willingness to help and protect me and those that I love. I ask that you would forgive me. I want to transfer that need to feel helped and protected onto you, and I humbly ask that you would do just that; help and protect myself and those that I love. I renounce the inner vow that said, “___________________________. Please break the power of this vow over my life and help me to set wise goals that are in agreement with your plans and purposes for me. I also ask that you would heal any wounding in my heart that came as a result of the event that caused me to make this inner vow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
By Traci Morin
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