Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Third eye awakening

The Third Eye Awakening

Why You Do Not Want to Open the Third Eye

Third-Eye Opening Symptoms

Deliverance Ministry article

The most common way to open your third eye is through an altered state of meditation where you empty your mind, do mantras, etc. Learn some of the third-eye-opening symptoms and why it is not from God, but it is the new age and occultism that opens the door to the demonic psychic realm. 

The Biological Connection

The third eye and the Pineal Gland are small endocrine glands in the vertebrate brain. This gland produces serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland.

Third Eye Energy Center

The third eye is the most potent energy center in the forehead's center. The awakening raises one’s frequency and moves into the spiritual world. The pineal gland is the gateway that leads within the inner realms of space of higher consciousness, including seeing energy-seeing beings – spirit guides or demonic spirits.

The Third Eye is the Satanic Portal to the Demonic Realm

What is happening is you are opening yourself up to the second heaven. Home of the demonic world. The demons now have the right to use your body as a conduit into the occult world.

Opening Third Eye Achieves the Following

The occult world wants to see beyond the physical world into the spiritual world. They believe you will have clarity, intuition, decisiveness, and insight.  They think they will have clear channels and the ability to feel energy more efficiently. They want to have visions to receive wisdom. They want to have a personal being to help them learn about themselves.

Extrasensory Perception

A common occurrence when opening the third eye is the manifestation of psychic gifts called clairvoyance or second sight.

In the Hindu religion, they practice yoga as a form of meditation to open up their sixth chakra.

How They Open the Third Eye

Besides altered state meditations, they use Essential Oils to help stimulate the pineal glands and facilitate states of spiritual awareness.

Essential oils can be inhaled, burned diffusers or nebulizers, and added to bath waters.
Doing Oms during chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate to stimulate the pineal gland.

They use crystals, magnets, and oils to help open the third eye.  Rubbing your index finger counter-clockwise on your forehead.

In Buddhism, the middle eye is known as the Shiva.

In Hinduism, the third eye is known as clairvoyance.

In Egypt, the third eye is the Eye of Horus or Osiris.

In Freemasonry, it is the All-Seeing Eye. 

The All-Seeing Eye usually means the same…esoteric knowledge that man desires. 
The Hebrew word for eyes is not plural but singular, so the serpent said their eye would be broadened by knowledge.  Scripture here is not talking about the physical organ but the eye of the soul.
Ungodly soul ties are often linked through an invisible spiritual umbilical cord that attaches to the navel.

Energy pulls, shifts, sensations of heaviness, heat, and cold; if you find yourself frequently out of control of various body parts, bodily functions, and other manifestations, you are experiencing the outward signs that suggest that you need to be delivered “inside” your spiritual body.

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