Friday, December 08, 2023

How to Meditate on God's Word?

 Learn How to Meditate on God's Word the Right Way

How to Meditate on the Word of God for Beginners? 

Meditate on God's Word

When you meditate on God's Word on something, you think about it over and over and over again. You begin to chew it like a cow chews curd. This way, you get the Word into your heart from your mind to become part of you.

You say God's not given me a ... God God God God God God Hm. God, yes, God, God, God, eh God? Who's God? God, God, God has not given me a spirit, spirit, spirit... Spirit? Hm. God has not given me a spirit of fear. Hm. Fear is a spirit. Ooh. That's terrible. Ooh. Where is it? I can't see it. God has not given me a spirit of fear but power Power. Power, I like that. Love, love, hmm. I like that too. Sound mind Ooh. Sound mind, sound mind, sound mind. I like that too. Power, love, and a sound mind. That's what God has already given me.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, life, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

As you continue to meditate, you begin to see the truth. All of a sudden, when you're finished and doing something else, fear comes. You say, "Ah Ha! I see you! That's not my thought! Who told me I was afraid? I didn't tell myself I was afraid!" So you begin to wield your sword by saying, God, God, God has not, God has not given me a spirit of fear! Where'd you come from? I don't want it! God has not given me the spirit of fear but power, love, and a sound mind. So, all of a sudden, fear comes to you and says, "You need to be afraid of tomorrow. You need to take thought for tomorrow. You need to stew in your stuff about what could go wrong tomorrow."

If you accept that thought, you will start thinking today about what could go wrong tomorrow, and tomorrow, you will continue thinking about what could go wrong tomorrow. Then, every day, you're thinking about what could go wrong tomorrow, going into long-term memory. There is an aspect of biology called protein synthesis. Protein synthesis uses an element of RNA and DNA, specifically RNA. When you begin to meditate on thought, day after day, it's no longer electrochemical, like flash shots going off. That thought becomes permanently part of your biology.

Learn some key scriptures that will help you in areas you struggle with daily, and add other scriptures as you go along. If you have trouble memorizing scriptures, put a sticky note (with the written scripture) on your fridge, bathroom mirror, etc.

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