Monday, December 04, 2023

Who the Elites Worship

Who Do the Elites Worship?

Who are the Elites and Their Agenda to Cause a Financial Collapse Globally. 

Deliverance Ministry Articles

How does the power elite control government? Follow the money, the bankers, and the World Economic Forum. There are secret societies like Freemasonry Illuminati. The link you will see below was a woman who was sexually abused. She has disappeared, and no one knows what has happened to her. 

According to Mosca, there have always been two classes: the rulers and the ruled. Thus, OWS protested the same thing that Marx railed against and that the architects of the French Revolution opposed: the oppressive rule of the rulers over everyone else.

You can break elites into three categories based on who they are:

  • Political elites: those who rule through government or influence those who do (at the national level, think the President, his cabinet, and senior or influential members of Congress)
  • Economic elites: those who are the wealthiest Americans by income or net worth (think Warren Buffet, the Koch brothers, the Waltons, and Bill Gates)
  • Cultural elites: those who have influence through social standing, and shape the culture itself (think Oprah, Bono, and any other cultural icon that not only has prestige but also uses it to shape society.
The elites are divided into two categories: self-interested elites and benevolent elites. Self-interested elites naturally exercise power for their selfish interests, while human elites primarily use their power to advance society, particularly the underclass.

Elites have created a society in which the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class becomes stretched thin. They have accomplished this by capturing the mechanism by which America is most visibly shaped: its government.

They are technocorporations like Bill Gates, big corporations, the industrial revolution of the war machine to get richer, etc.

They are the ones Trump tried to expose. 

Who do they worship?

The ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" of each, the foundational practices, and joined them into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as "El," "Baal," and "Astarte," as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set" - See more at:

bankers during the times of the Templar Knights, who financed the early kings in Europe, created the Illuminati. 

Each region of the United States has "nerve centers" or power bases for regional activity. The United States has been divided into seven major geographical regions. Each region has localities that contain military compounds and bases hidden in remote, isolated areas or on large private estates. - See more at: https//

Why? Because the Illuminists believe that our government, as we know it, as well as the governments of most nations around the world, are destined to collapse. These will be planned collapses, and they will occur in the following ways: - See more:

Financial collapse, stock manipulation, and interest rate changes.

Invest in gold, not stocks

The national council [consists of] influential bankers with OLD money, such as: The Rockefellers, the Mellon family, the Carnegie family, the Rothschild family, etc. - See more at:

The "Supreme World Council" is already set up as a prototype of the one that will rule when the NWO comes into being. It meets regularly to discuss finances, direction, policy, etc., and to problem-solve difficulties. - See more at:

The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. - See more at:

They are trying to breed a "genetically superior" race to rule, with their children and descendants. They are also followers of Plato's Republic, and believe that they will be the ones to usher in this "Utopian" rule with the NWO in their opinion. In their Utopia, the intelligentsia will rule, and the sheep-like masses will follow their leaders (that is their view of the world; that the occult leaders are "enlightened' and intelligent, while the average person is a "sheep" to be led by the nose)." - See more at:

"The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a center in the Washington, DC, area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to step up a level, for scholarship, and for high ceremonies. The leaders in this Masonic group were also Illuminists. 

CIA and FBI are all infiltrated. So are Mormons, etc

Many of the administrators and directors at the FBI are also Illuminists. The CIA helped bring over German scientists after WWII. 

Assassin Training

Svali: "Here is how it is done (how it was done to me): [1] When the child is 2 years old, place them in a metal cage with electrodes attached. Shock the child severely.
[2] Take the child out and place a kitten in its hands. Tell the child to wring the kitten's neck. The child will cry and refuse.

[3] Put the child into the cage and shock them until they are dazed and cannot scream anymore.

[4] Take the child out, and tell them again to wring the kitten's neck. This time, the child will shake all over and cry, but do it, afraid of the torture. The child will then go into the corner and vomit afterward while the adult praises them for "doing such a good job."

they know that TV is a tool they purposely use to influence "the masses". It cannot create a total personality change in the average citizen. Still, it can desensitize us increasingly to violence, pornography, and the occult and influence the perceptions of young children. - See more at:

many of the top pop singers come from an internship with the "Mickey Mouse Club" (yep, good old Walt the Illuminist's Empire), and I believe they are offered stardom in exchange for allegiance or mind control. 

The leadership levels include businessmen, bankers, and local community leaders. They are intelligent, well-educated, and active in their churches. 

Above local leadership councils are the regional councils, which give dictates to the groups below them, help form the policies and agendas for each region, and interact with the local leadership councils.

At the national level, some incredibly wealthy people finance these goals and interact with the leaders of other countries. The Illuminati are international. Secret?

A metropolitan region may have as many as 10 to 30 groups within it, and rural areas will often have meetings with other local groups and report to the metro leadership council. 

Opening portals and dimensions: I know this sounds like stuff from a sci-fi film, but these people really believe that there are other spiritual dimensions and that to pass into them. First, a significant sacrifice is made to "open a portal", usually several animals. I have also seen animal sacrifices done to protect from the demonic, or blood used to "close a circle" so the wicked cannot penetrate it.

There are principalities and lower demons, and they control the portals into other spiritual dimensions that humans have NO BUSINESS entering. 

The Illuminati believe that to control the media is to prevent the public. 

Some film that blatantly portrays the Illuminist agenda is The MatrixThe LabyrinthStarship Trooper

The Bruderheist is the ruling council of Germany. It meets in the black forest region, considered the center of the earth and a vortex for psychical/spiritual energy. They are some of the most vicious people I have ever known in my life and make the Nazis (who they encouraged) look like fun people. They are still there, manipulating people, running banks, and channeling their dirty money to Brussels, Switzerland, and Cairo, Egypt.

The Phoenix: this is one of their highest military and spiritual symbols

Butterflies and rainbow signs are big triggers for people who have gone through the Monarch programming (yes, the Illuminists invented Monarch programming with the CIA).

A tiara, or crown with 13 gems, with a diamond in the center, symbolizes the coming reign of the "chosen one."

Star of David: believe it or not, one of the highest Illuminati religious symbols is a Star of David with a circle around it. Called "the great seal of Solomon," it is used at the highest ceremonies to invoke the demonic.

These people are pedophiles. They abuse and torture small children and teach them under duress to become perpetrators themselves from the earliest infancy. 

They run the porn industry, along with other groups such as the Mafia. They make enormous amounts of money from drug smuggling, gun running, and human slavery (oh, yes, the buying and selling of human beings is alive and well in the 21st century).

They have infiltrated our government and the governments of every country in the world and the judicial and legal systems.

4. The media as well.
5. They run our financial institutions.

They are working towards bringing in a new leader who will usher in a Luciferian reign of joy, prosperity, and rewards to the faithful.

Worship Plato's ideal Republic as their blueprint for the new order.

Join Our Thrive Group Mentorship for Women - In a mentoring ministry, mentors help other women in the faith journey. They also equip younger women with the essentials to live godly lives. Never be alone.

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