Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Sickness and Disease in the Bible

Sickness and Disease in the Bible

Eighty Percent of Diseases and Sickness Caused by Sin in the Bible

Effects of Negative Thinking on the Body

Sickness caused by sin in the bible.  We will look at the effects of negative thoughts on the body, causing sickness and disease. The big lie in the world today is that human suffering, disease, and death are the result of natural manifestations.

The truth is that good health and chronic disease both have spiritual roots. Good health flows from God, our Healer. Disease emanates from Satan, our destroyer and father of lies.

God paid a terrible price for our spiritual freedom from our spiritual jailer. That freedom includes all three aspects that make us human: Body, spirit, and soul.

The Effects of Negative Thinking on the Body Cause Sickness and Disease

Medical science acknowledges that 80 percent of all diseases, both psychological and biological, are psychosomatically induced. In other words, the source of most diseases begins within our minds or spirits as thought—a perfect place for Satan to do his bidding.

But, what the world calls psychosomatic, God knows as an unloving spirit from the kingdom of darkness. Behind every psychosomatic disease lies an unloving spirit, planting thoughts of fear, despair, rejection, anxiety, worry, and whatever else Satan can get us to accept as accurate.

If we allow, evil exists simultaneously within our spirit and the Spirit of God. The deception begins as the unloving spirit whispers a thought promoting unrest, “I do not like myself.” If we listen to its voice and accept the lie, our soul becomes polluted with the same mindset (I do not like myself).

      Operating through the limbic system, our body conforms to that spiritual image, re-enforcing it biologically and psychologically.

Examples of psychosomatically-induced disease can include high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, infertility, irritable bowel syndrome, angina, fibromyalgia, Graves disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, Crohn's disease, obesity, multiple sclerosis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and many, many more.

     God created us perfectly, but sin changes us. Every thought we have, good or bad, produces a chemical and neurological response within.

     So long as our thoughts originate in a loving spirit, our body's response helps maintain homeostasis (balance). When our beliefs originate from an unloving spirit, the response creates an imbalance in our body, and we become sickly if we accept and live a lie.

     All of us have our spiritual strengths and weaknesses. It is part of our humanity. Temptation is a part of our daily lives as the forces of good and evil battle for our souls. Satan knows our weaknesses and wastes little time attacking us at those points.

     If your weakness lies in feelings of low self-esteem, Satan knows how to capitalize on it to cause you suffering. If you have difficulty forgiving others, Satan knows how to use that defect to make your body racked with pain. If you struggle with worry and fear, Satan knows how to use these emotions to create tumors in your stomach and colon. He is a master at doing this.

     Drug manufacturers promote drugs by saying they offer temporary relief of disease symptoms, but they do not and cannot deal with the spiritual roots of the disease. Satan knows this. His plan is called “disease management,” not “healing.”

     Modern medicine can be an excellent tool for healing when used correctly. But have you ever considered modern medicine can also be a curse, an abomination unto the Lord?

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