Sunday, June 02, 2024

What you need to know about Familar Spirits

Familiar Spirit: What You Need to Know

Have you ever heard the term "familiar spirit" and wondered what it actually means? In the Strong's Concordance, a familiar spirit is referred to as Hebrew #178, which is associated with prattling, mumbling, and necromancy. This term is used to describe an object that is identified by the sound it produces. However, in the context of spirituality and the supernatural, familiar spirits take on a whole different meaning.

Understanding Familiar Spirits in Scripture

In Dake's Bible, it is mentioned that familiar spirits are actually demon spirits that possess mediums. These mediums willingly give their will to these spirits, allowing them to imitate dead human beings, make predictions, and promote various doctrines. One clear biblical example of this can be found in the books of 1 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. In 1 Samuel 28, it appears that Samuel actually appears to Saul. Still, in 1 Chronicles 10:13, it is clarified that it was, in fact, a familiar spirit impersonating Samuel.
So, in essence, familiar spirits are deceptive entities that can mimic deceased individuals or even angels to deceive people seeking guidance or information from the spiritual realm. This deception can lead individuals down dangerous and dark paths if they are not careful.

Familiar Spirits in Modern Context

In modern times, the term familiar spirit is often used to describe evil spirits shared among a group of people, such as within a family or close friends. These spirits are seen as familiar because they are known and recognized by all group members. They can influence the thoughts, actions, and behaviors of individuals, leading them astray from their true spiritual path.

It is crucial to be aware of the presence of familiar spirits and guard against their influence. By staying grounded in your faith and seeking guidance from trusted spiritual advisors, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these deceptive entities.

How to Guard Against Familiar Spirits

One way to protect yourself from the influence of familiar spirits is to cultivate a strong spiritual foundation. This can be done through prayer, meditation, and seeking guidance from reputable spiritual leaders. By maintaining a close connection to your faith and staying vigilant against deceptive spirits, you can safeguard your soul and avoid falling into darkness.

Additionally, being mindful of the company you keep and the environments you expose yourself to can also help ward off familiar spirits. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting influences and steer clear of individuals or situations that may invite negative spiritual energies into your life.

In conclusion, familiar spirits are real entities that can profoundly impact an individual's spiritual journey. By understanding their nature and being proactive in guarding against their influence, you can stay on the path of light and truth. Stay vigilant, stay grounded in your faith, and remember that you have the power to protect yourself from the deceptive schemes of familiar spirits.

Traci Morin, speakerministeranxiety coachteacher of deliveranceWho's Who of America
Touch of God International Ministries - a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from demonic curses

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