Tuesday, April 16, 2024

kundalini spirit vs holy spirit videos

 Kundalini spirit vs. Holy spirit

Watch the videos and learn about the Kundalini Spirit Symptoms that is demonic in nature.

Deliverance From Kundalini 

Breaking the Kundalini spirit takes work. It requires multiple sessions to achieve success. Like Luke 11:21-22, which deals with the strongman, it holds in lesser demons. The Kundalini spirit pushes up the less-powerful Kundalini spirit first before eventually getting to the leading Kundalini spirit. In that order, you also deal with Leviathan, Python, cockatrice, Behemoth, and Jezebel. First, working with unforgiveness, self-unforgiveness, and breaking word curses spoken by the enemy and people. Then, we break curses or spells executed by witches, warlocks, root workers, or any practitioner of witchcraft. You also have to deal with vows and judgments made. Many other areas we look at to get the person free.

It involves repentance by casting out false religion, occult activities, and more that may have come in through your ancestors. 

Being involved with New Age, Eastern religions, false religions (Jehovah's Witness, Muslim, Mormons, Cabala) occult activities, witchcraft, and sexual perversion can open the door to Kundalini. 

Part One - Kundalini Spirit Symptoms

Part 2 - False Holy Spirit

Part 3 - Kundalini Serpant Power

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