Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Pressing On Towards The Goal that Christ has for you

Chasing Destiny: Pressing On Towards the Goal Set by Christ

Forgetting those things which are behind, I press toward the mark kjv

Pressing On Towards The Goal

Transcript of the Video Below

This teaching encourages you to get where you want to get now and where God wants you to go.

The Lord plans your life, and God wants to take you. You must press on going forward regardless of what comes your way.

Can you press on regardless of what is happening around you? The enemy comes to discourage you and will use others to do so. Will you allow others to prevent your calling, purpose, and destiny?

Forgetting the Past and Moving Forward Verse - be encouraged to verse

Isaiah 43:19 - “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

There will be days you feel like you are going to drown or burn up. It is like the enemy is tying you down.

In Isaiah 43:1-3, it says, 43 But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. 2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

Be encouraged and press on. The Lord gives a promise. 

i press towards the mark of the high calling,

In Isaiah 43:18-19, he says, 18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Are you ready for a new thing in your life? In the year ahead, the Lord aims to bring us new opportunities. He wants His children to walk free in an abundant life with Him.

It is walking free from the unencumbered by the strife past the disappointments. We all have had disappointments by the ties that bind us to our past. It is time to cut the past. Holding onto the past keeps a person from moving forward into all the Lord has for you. 

forgetting the past and moving forward verse

It is time to look forward. That means if you have bitterness from others who have hurt you, let go and forgive them. If you want things like they used to be, let it go. The Lord wants to do a new thing. His ways are much higher than ours. It is time to look ahead with fresh eyes, with a fresh anointing that comes with being willing to let go. That means letting go of offenses and being willing to walk through the new doors the Lord has for you.

You gotta let go of the issues in your mind, home, and heart that need to be dealt with and resolved quickly. The way of the Lord is running a race before you without the heavy weight and toxic trouble. Some of you have toxic friends you are hanging onto. It is time to cut. Some of you have nonbelievers in your life, and you run with them. Sometimes, it gets you to compromise your walk. Don't allow that. You want to be around others who can pull you up, challenge your walk, etc. 

It is time to choose this day to resolve, reconcile, and repent of the old ways so that you can move into the new thing.

Some of you have self-unforgiveness. You live with guilt and shame. It is time to reconcile with the Lord and see He has forgiven you. Then forgive yourself. Tear up the note you have against yourself. The Lord's mercy is new every morning. To receive it, move forward, and press on as a soldier regardless of how weary you are.

Many are in transition. You cannot get where God wants you to go if you are unwilling to let go of the past from others or yourself. You must press past your past. Your past can be like bondage holding you back from moving forward. For some of you, this has been a tough year. 2023 was a challenging year. I know it was a tough year for me. Don't give up. It is often testing to go to the next level in Him. 

Your trials may not be over yet. If I can continue to press through, you can too. Don't give up. That is what the enemy wants us to do, and so do our enemies. Some of you have great anointings, and others are jealous because they see it in you. You may not, but others see it. The enemy sees it as well and tries to stop you. 

forgetting the past and moving forward verse,

We must do as Paul did: press on to the things that lie ahead. Press past what lies behind. They are weights that weigh you down. Cut the strings and ropes, but get free and move forward by pressing on. 

Again, the Lord says, "behold I do a new thing." We cry out for the new thing but don't want to press on. Sometimes, we cry out for a new opportunity. We often stand in the doorway but do not press through. I am not taking that step; I am moving to walk through. Maybe you are not willing to walk through. It is a new thing, and new things can be scary, but the Lord is in it. Perhaps you've had failures, and you are afraid of another failure. You gotta let go, totally surrender, trust God, and walk through that new door of opportunity He has for you.

You cannot walk through the open door with all that baggage from the past. The baggage is too big to fit through the door. You gotta let it go. Otherwise, you cannot fit through the door of new opportunities. 

The Bible says to keep asking and knocking on the door loudly. That is a form of warfare. We want to get things out of the way. Fight the good fight. Speak the the mountain to be removed. 

Sometimes, the door does not open because you are carrying so much of the past—baggage—that is weighing you down. The Lord knows better than to allow you to step into the new with the old baggage or self-implode. 

It is time to walk free from the wounds, hurts, and unforgiveness of others and get rid of toxic relationships that are pulling you down. Those things need to go. So, change your mindset. Don't get stuck in the mirry clay that is sucking you down in the mud. Let it go, forgive, and let the lord heal your broken heart. Cut off the past, and then prepare to enter a new destiny.

Is it worth holding onto the past? How about self-pity in what others have done to you. You can, as I said last week, we will be reproached by others who hurt us if we allow them to hurt and break us. Who is going to define you? God or man? Unencumbered by the strife of the past. Some of you are in relationships full of conflict. You keep hanging onto those relationships that are not cheering you on but jealous of you and would rather you not walk through the new door the Lord has for you.

god opens doors of opportunity

There may be a lot of drama and chaos in your life. The enemy wants you stuck in drama, confusion, and strife. Cut all the strife and live peacefully with all men. Some people do not want to live in peace with you. They want to stab you in the back. They want to see you fall or fail. They will make up something to accuse you. We need to be like people who are walking in peace in love and in the anointing. Striving and defending yourself from others can steal the anointing. The enemy will waste your time with toxic relationships that do not want you to succeed in your walk. 

If you cannot reconcile it, it is time to let them go. I know I had to cut off five people in my life because they brought nothing but strife. There may be more this year I will need to let go. Why? Because they were weighing me down and only emotionally bogging me down with their issues. 

Try to reconcile. If you are not able to with certain relationships, then press on. Yes, you may leave them behind. What is greater? What God has for you, or someone holding you back to your full potential and anointing. Stop trying to make it happen. Sometimes, it takes the lord to deal with that person. Give them to the courts of God for the Lord to deal with them. Let them go; they may come back to you and repent, or maybe not. It is their choice. Forgive them, and pray for them, and bless them.

When walking with the Lord, the path becomes narrower. As the path narrows, it becomes less traveled. You may be alone for a season, but trust God to bring in the right relationships. Don't allow them to break you or wound you. Forgive quickly. God has a purpose for your life. 

Press towards the mark of the high calling.

God wants to reappoint you. Don't let disappointments get in the way. God is making divine reconnection in this season. Don't let past setbacks in the past to set you up for future failures. Focus on something other than past failures. Focus on the new thing that you may not be able to see yet. Give your disappointments to god. Otherwise, you set yourself up for self-sabotage. Don't allow fear to hold you back like Fear of failure. Move forward, trusting God in the walk he has laid out for you. Remember, setbacks are just setbacks. We can learn from setbacks so that we can press on to the new things the lord has. 

When you fear disappointment, you are looking backward. Stop looking in the past. Proclaim and decree positive things into your new future. Many times, when we are about to step into the new, somehow, they pop back in. They are assignments from the enemy to derail you, distract you, and try to haunt you of the past. Those so-called past friends remind you of your past failures. Don't allow it. 

There may be soul ties, word curses, and other things coming against you. You have to break those toxic ties of the past. They bind you to the past. 

It is time to look ahead with fresh eyes and new perspectives. Stop looking at things through lenses of the past. Throw them away. You gotta look through the eyes of Jesus. To do that, start standing on the Scriptures and seeing things as the Lord sees them. Take the time to praise the lord as often as you can. Start to thank Him for the new stuff. Praise him and shout for the victory as if it has already happened. Ask the Lord to feel what he feels about your future. You will get excited. 

See with fresh eyes to move with fresh energy. When around toxic relationships, it is draining. You felt the curses coming at you that made you feel exhausted. Cut them off, move forward with fresh eyes, and praise the Lord; you will have fresh energy. Sometimes, you get up in the morning and cannot get yourself going. The Lord wants to pour out fresh energy upon you. It is exhausting to hold onto the past. Looking at the past is hopeless. It does not energize you. 

It is energizing to get a fresh perspective through the Word of God, decreeing them, praising the Lord, and getting renewed hope again. A new anointing will come just for letting go of the past and getting rid of toxic relationships that pull you down. It is hard to let go of relationships, but when you cut the toxic ones, you will, in a little while, feel refreshed and see the truth. It is hard to see the absolute truth when you are in the thick of it. Get separated from it, then you can see the perspective and start getting the perspective of the Lord. You just got to put it in God's hands. Some relationships are complex to let go of. Some are worth holding onto, so rectify it. Some put on the altar. Trust God. 

When you put it on the alter, God can give it back to you with a new life, a new anointing, a fresh start. Walk through the doors he has for you. Now is the time to get your house in order. If you are sick in your body, take care of yourself. Do whatever you can to get well. Trust the Lord for your healing. He is a great healer. Take care of your temple. Get your finances in order. 

All of us have issues in our minds that need to be renewed. None of us have fully arrived at being completely renewed. It is a lifetime of renewal. We live in a broken world with broken people who will hurt you, but allow the Lord. How do we renew the mind? In areas that don't agree with God, find scriptures to replace the thinking. Memorize, meditate, and replace the lie with the truth. You are made in the image of God. 

You are His child. He created you. Get them removed that frustrate us, get us in knots or upset, unable to move forward because of insecurity or fear. We have a partner, Jesus, who came to set the captives free. Allow him to set you free. Some things make us feel depressed, angry, or even anxious. We gotta deal with those things. God wants to do a new thing. So, get busy renewing your mind that lines up with God. The sooner you align with God's truth, the sooner you can walk through those doors. 

We gotta press past the issues. Get your mind in order. 

Then, there are the heart issues. Heart issues manifest as bad attitudes. We must guard our hearts with all diligence because the issues of life flow out of them. Some people have fear issues; they are issues of the heart. Some people are bitter and resentful; they are issues of the heart. We must cleanse our hearts to move forward through those doors. 

God has an excellent plan for you. For example, I know my thoughts for you, sayeth the Lord, plans to prosper you to give you a future and hope. We need to look up where redemption draws from. He wants you to run the race he has for you without the weights of the past. Choose this day to resolve. Choose this day who you will serve. Are you going to serve the spirit of God or serve your flesh? Choose this day who you will serve. REsolve, reconcile, and repent of the old ways. 

The sinful nature is still in your flesh. Sometimes, during heavy trials, the enemy puts so much pressure on you that your flesh rises, and you return to your old ways. We can't do that. We must resist the temptation. Lot's wife, when turned back, turned into salt. Looking at the past can paralyze you. God has a new thing for you.

So repent and resolve so you can move into a new season that He has prepared for you. Keep preparing for something new that the Lord has for you. Resist the temptation and press on to the Lord's prize for you. So press on, and don't let the past pull you back to something familiar. It is up to you. God will give you the grace to do it. 

Traci Morin, speakerministeranxiety coachteacher of deliveranceWho's Who of America
Touch of God International Ministries - a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from demonic curses

Chasing Destiny: Pressing Towards the Goal Set by Christ

Link to Newsletter: https://bit.ly/4avkjNA

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