Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Unlocking Harmony: The Power of Submission

Unlocking Harmony: The Power of Submission in Building a Strong Family Foundation

To Have Authority, Submit Under Authority: The Key to a Harmonious Home

In every household, a principle governs relationships: to have authority, you must submit to authority. This fundamental concept plays a crucial role in maintaining peace and harmony within the home. In the context of marriage, the husband is seen as the spiritual leader who holds authority in Christ when he operates under the covering of authority. Similarly, the wife also carries authority when she willingly submits to her husband's leadership.

The Chain of Authority in the Home

When the chain of authority is broken, chaos and discord can infiltrate the home. If the husband fails to submit to Christ or the wife refuses to adhere to the principles outlined in God's word, it opens the door for spiritual attacks. This breakdown affects the relationship between the husband and wife and has a ripple effect on their children. Rebellion, disorder, and disharmony can manifest, leading to a destabilized household.

Following the Example of Jesus

Looking at the ultimate example of authority and submission, we see Jesus Christ under the authority of the Father (John 10:30). Just as in a marriage where two individuals become one, there is harmony when everyone understands their place and authority. Additionally, the Bible emphasizes the importance of honoring and respecting the Son, Jesus, who was given authority over all creation (John 5:23).

Upholding Honor and Respect within the Family

In a marriage, the husband is designated as the spiritual leader who should ensure his wife is honored, respected, and valued. The husband creates an atmosphere of unity and peace by promoting his wife's position and setting her up for honor within the home. Derek Prince aptly stated, "No head can function without a neck to hold it up," illustrating the necessity of the wife's support and submission in maintaining harmony.

The Role of the Wife in Supporting the Husband

The wife should not have to seek her own honor or establish her position within the household. When she feels cherished, esteemed, and respected by her husband, she does not need to fight for recognition or independence. This mutual respect and support between husband and wife fosters rest, security, and harmony within the home.

The Importance of Unity and Order

When the husband aligns himself with the teachings of Jesus, the entire family benefits from unity, peace, and rest. By upholding his role as the protector of the household, the husband ensures that the demonic forces are kept at bay. Disorder and disharmony within the home can lead to manifestations of rebellion, strife, and even physical ailments among the children.

Maintaining Unity in Marriage

Jesus' humility in acknowledging the Father's authority is a model for husbands and wives in maintaining unity within the family. The wife's willingness to yield to her husband's authority creates a strong foundation for unity and order within the household. By honoring and respecting each other's positions, both husband and wife contribute to the overall well-being of the family unit.

In conclusion, the key to a harmonious home lies in the principle of authority and submission. When both husband and wife understand their roles and responsibilities and submit to higher authorities, such as Christ, peace and harmony reign within the household. By upholding honor, respect, and unity, the family can thrive and withstand any challenges that come their way.

Meta description: Learn how the principle of authority and submission can lead to harmony and peace within the home. Find out why honoring and respecting each other's roles is crucial for a thriving family unit.

Traci Morin, speakerministeranxiety coachteacher of deliveranceWho's Who of America
Touch of God International Ministries - a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from demonic curses

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