Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Taking Every Thought Captive

Taking Every Thought Captive - the biological/spiritual side and how it works together!

We all have heard that it takes 28 days to create a new habit or way of thinking. Why is that? Why does it take time to renew our minds to the Lord's truth about who we are in Christ? Isn't it time to get rid of those controlling toxic thoughts and emotions? The neurology behind holding every thought captive!

Renewing our minds requires a person to meditate on the Word of God with His truth. You might have memories of negative words spoken over you by your parents, peers, or people at work, and you believe the lie. To renew your mind to what God says is true about you is renewing the mind. How do you apply it? Let's say you are asked to do a project, and immediately you hear in your thought, "I might fail, or I'm not good enough, or I'm not smart enough". Does that voice in your head come from the Lord or from the enemy? Why would he do that? He knows you will and knows your history. He knows what your parents or peers said to you in the past and how it made you feel because you believed it. Now, you have a choice to accept the lie in your head or apply the word of God! That is renewing the mind in the circumstances by applying truth. When you do that by using the word of God against the lie, then you are actually creating neurons to grow by making new connections in your brain. That creates a permanent imprint in our brains or mind. When we believe a lie or react to fear, we develop neurons to grow negative or positive.

For example, if you were bit by a dog as a child, then every time you see a dog coming at you, you will immediately react in fear. You have a pathway to fear imprinted in your mind about dogs!

Well, what is happening is there is a term in neuroscience called Neuroplasticity, so neuron stands for your Neurons, and Plasticity stands for the growth and connection of those neurons. As we learn something, we integrate it into our being, increase our neuroplasticity, and create more connections. The more we do that, the stronger it gets. Like the example, the more we give into that fear, the more potent it becomes, and more pathways of fear are created. Every time a different fear issue occurs, another pathway connection is created to fear. We have these theta brain waves where a spirit of fear is constantly firing that pathway repeatedly. So, it continues to grow. 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. So, we see that fear is a spirit.

That is why deliverance is essential if we have a stronghold to fear. People don't know that a person has to renew their mind. The difference between having deliverance and not having deliverance is as follows:

Then you go through deliverance and are freed from that spirit of fear, but you are still left with all these brain connections. And neurons want to stay alive just like everything else.

So, neuron needs three things to stay alive. It needs oxygen, sugar, and stimulation. Our thoughts is what stimulates the neurons. Now, you have an idea, and you’ve just been delivered, and you are driving down the road, and you think, Oh my god, I’m not going to make it on time, and all these horrible things will happen. Now, you create a change. You say no. I recognize that as fear, and I’m walking in the grace of God, and he will protect me. Now, I begin to grow a new pathway (neuroplasticity) that says I’m safe, god loves me, and god will protect me even through my mistakes. Christ walks with me. You will begin to actually grow these new pathways.

The old pathways - have you ever heard the term use it or lose it? That is a reality. These proteins have a half-life of 14 days, which means in 14 days, if you have 100 proteins, you will only be left with 50 proteins. In another 14 days you will be left with 25. What happens in 28 days is now down to 25 proteins, and those cells are beginning to degenerate. That is where people talk about breaking habits and taking 28 days. That may be why.

Researchers say that 87 percent of the illnesses that plague us today directly result from our thoughts. What we think affects us physically and emotionally.

A lot of times, people try to do this naturally through positive thinking or positive affirmations. I’m a wonderful person, I’m a happy person, etc. You got the people in the back car going – you are not satisfied, you are miserable. So basically every time you fire the happy pathway, you also fire the self-hatred pathway. It works with what we are doing here because I’m eliminating the backseat of people through deliverance. Now, I can apply what is in reality to renew my mind. I’m renewing my mind in God’s word. As I renew my mind in the truth, these old thoughts are degenerating and dying and going away.

Here is the kicker. There is another neurology term called trans neurodegeneration. What that means is that the neurons want to stay alive but, in essence, are dying. So, as it gets weaker and weaker, it begins to fire on its own. It just starts to go haywire. Now, all of a sudden, you are doing good in your walk and doing well. These things are beginning to lose their power and effect, and suddenly, they go bang, bang, bank gang, bang. You are sitting there right up against the wall. That is where you dig in, push through it, hold every thought captive, and keep God on your mind. If you give in at that point, what do they start doing? They get to grow again. We give them permission to grow again.

Then you open the theta brain wave door again and allow the spirits to enter again. This is the process through the biology of how our brain works when renewing the mind. That is actually what is happening in our brains.

Throughout my life, I developed this fear in the kitchen, in the car, etc, in all these different areas. So, what happens when you are going through your life and dealing with it? Then, guess what happens one day? Boom, fear, because suddenly you are back in a different area. That pathway still needs to be dealt with. That door must still be closed, and those neurons fire up. Suddenly, who knows what happens, you are in a restaurant and you hear an old song and you are eating the steak and you think “Oh man I ate a raw steak once and almost died.” You have not had that experience in a long time. You deal with the fear in that experience at that moment with God’s word. You’ve not heard of that experience in a long time, so fear tries to return, and you have to deal with the fear again. All the areas associated with fear in our walk of life begin to get cut off.

Isn't it time to remove hate, anxiety, anger, hostility, resentment, frustration, impatience, and irritation? All these produce toxic attitudes and create a chemical reaction in the body that can alter behavior. Negative emotions also release a toxic chemical, affecting every cell in your body. If they persist long enough, they can even affect the cell's nucleus and cause it to mutate, causing cancer to be produced in your body.

For example, A spirit of fear is the root of stress. Scriptures say, "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7). Fear-based thinking blocks the flow of healthy chemicals and releases toxic chemicals that put you into stress. Isn't it time to stop the stress? A spirit of fear can be worrying about anything that consumes your mind. Isn't it time to get free from a spirit of fear and change the chemicals in your brain to have good health and good thoughts?

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