Friday, May 13, 2005

Acupuncture Debunked - move to wix

Acupuncture Debunked 

Acupuncture Qi Energy Healing - Not Biblical Healing

Acupuncture ~ "... acupuncture practitioners insert fine, sterile needles into specific body points to treat various disorders. .... The use of acupuncture in anesthesia is mainly confined to China. Acupuncture is in fact an element within the traditional Chinese medicine health system...The site of the needle depends on the disorder and whether the flow of "qi" [life energy] is to be warmed, reduced, or increased. Up to several acupoints may be used. ...For some conditions, the practitioner burns the herb Moxa, creating heat to stimulate the acupoints. Glass cups may also be placed over acupoints to draw "qi" and blood toward them. Acupuncture energy healing without the Lord. The energy is demonic spirits.

Christians Need to Stay Away from Acupuncture

Qi Gong involves demons that people perceive as “energy flowing through their body." The underlying spiritual system of Taoism is demonic in nature. Still, some aspects of “acupuncture” or acupressure and its relationship to the human nervous system could have benefits based on its spiritual part. Still, it may be best to abstain from it.

Watch video to learn the truth of Aqupuncture Qi Energy

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