Showing posts with label unclean spirits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unclean spirits. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2023

Why Believers Complicate Deliverance? WX112023

Why Believers Complicate Deliverance 

Following Prayer for Deliverance and Breakthrough

Why Prayer for Deliverance?

Deliverance Ministry Article

Believers Take Deliverance and complicate the process. Hollywood has given us depictions like “The Exorcist” that make us think demonization is always that dramatic, but that isn’t the case.

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In simple terms, Christians cannot be possessed, that is, totally controlled by an ‘unclean spirit’ means bothered by, ‘in bondage to,’ demonic forces. Deliverance is basically to repent and renounce personal sins that a person can be in bondage, generational sins blocking spiritual success, traumatic events, and more that can leave. 

We tend to think that people are either “normal” (i.e., without any demonic influence) or they’re “possessed” in the Hollywood sense. In reality, deliverance is for those who are merely ‘oppressed.’ 

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It often takes a minister cast out using deliverance prayers from evil spirits.

The deliverance minister should also teach as they minister deliverance to others so that they can stay free by showing them the open doors that allowed it to come in.

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If not possessed, how then? We all have the law of sin, and it is like a demon that connects to you. He uses the ear gate and throws lies called fiery darts for you to believe about yourself, God, or others or your identity that does not line up with God.

Join Our Thrive Group Mentorship for Women - In a mentoring ministry, mentors help other women in the faith journey. They also equip younger women with the essentials to live godly lives. Never be alone.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Incest and Rape - What Comes In Spiritually to Steal Your Peace

Incest and Rape - What Comes In:

Any experience of sexual abuse is an open door to just about everything (bitterness, accusation, rejection, unloving spirits, fear, unclean spirits, shame and guilt, rejection, spirit of self-pity, self-hatred, etc.). Those experiences bring fear and bitterness toward the perpetrator and self. In addition, there is the rollover of unclean, unloving spirits from the perpetrator onto the victim. And the occult may be involved in the perversion. You have to get the person to forgive the perpetrator. If they don't, they will continue to have mental torment and harassment over the event. Matthew 18 shows that if we do not forgive, we are thrown into the dungeon of torment.

The victim has shame and guilt and blame themselves for what has happened. It comes with the territory and includes self-bitterness. Plus, the unclean, unloving spirit (self-hatred) makes you a victim again. Speaking about the perpetrator, they almost always (I suppose there can be exceptions), have sexual abuse and perversion in their background in the generations.

Usually, when a person has been raped or lived through incest, they suffer from a wounded spirit. Father God wants to heal your heart. It is hard for a person who has been raped to receive God's complete forgiveness because of the false responsibility. It is a lying spirit blaming you, but it is not valid.

The way to get rid of the guilt and shame, self-accusation, and a spirit of self-pity is to have the victim repent for their participation in an unclean sexual act even though they did it against their will. The reason for doing this is to legally close the door on Satan so that he can no longer accuse you and make you feel shame, etc. Now, Father God certainly knows you were a victim, and He does not hold you responsible, but the devil will use it to torment you, so we want to close the door. And if he returns after that, you can say it is under the blood. I repented for that already.

Use Matt. 18:6-7 for this, and this is one time he prefers the NIV.

Also, suppose the perpetrator is a family member, and there is sexual sin in the generations. In that case, the victim can take responsibility for the family sin (generational curses), renounce it in the generations, and ask that the generational curse be broken. And, of course, the bitterness, unforgiveness, and rage toward the perpetrator must be dealt with first.

You need to take authority over the mimes and break their power so that the memory of it will not stir you up every time you think of it. If you can't get it out of your mind, then break the programming that would take you back to that experience.

Join Our Thrive Group Mentorship for Women - In a mentoring ministry, mentors come alongside other women in their faith journey, guiding them and providing the tools they need to live a godly life. Remember, you're never alone on this journey! 💕