Join this family of prayer warriors called Prayer of Intercession on Facebook
This family cares and prays over your needs. Prayer Warriors Needed. We are prayer warriors online weekly praying for the needs of others.
Become part of a family of Christians believing in the power of prayer on Facebook Prayer Private Group called "Prayer and Intercession." We are a prayer and intercession ministry. As a family of prayer warriors, we pray atomic prayer for healing. When you join, make sure you answer the questions. Then, fill out the prayer requests online.
Title: Join the family of prayer of Intercession
Traci Morin, speaker, minister, anxiety coach, teacher of deliverance, Who's Who of America
Touch of God International Ministries - a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free from demonic curses
Join Our Thrive Group Mentorship for Women - In a mentoring ministry, mentors help other women in the faith journey. They also equip younger women with the essentials to live godly lives. Never be alone.